Rubywahoo is Brandon Rubenstein. Brandon is a web designer who teaches technology to students K-8, leads the Mentally Gifted Support Program for gifted students in grades 4-8, and serves as his school’s tech guy and liaison to the school district.
Brandon received his M.Ed. in Youth and Family Education from The Pennsylvania State University in August 2008. He also has a B.A. in Elementary Education with a Specialty in Video Communications from Arcadia University, and holds a Pennsylvania Instructional I Certificate in Elementary Education (K-6) and Business, Computer and Information Technology Certification (K-12). The use of technology is, and always has been, a primary interest of his, and has always permeated all of his professional, recreational, and social endeavors.
His passions include emerging technologies such as Web 2.0, the teaching and learning process, and youth and adult leadership development in non-traditional learning environments such as summer camps. Brandon is a lifelong camp person, and has spent the past 21 summers at Golden Slipper Camp, an overnight camp in Pennsylvania, as counselor, activity instructor, Program Director, CIT Coordinator and has been known as “The Blog Guy” for the past few summers. Brandon is currently exploring and applying innovative ways to introduce technology into the camp program and off-season community.