As you may have noticed, the preceding entry was posted by my wife, Ali. The idea behind that entry was that we were looking for a way to promote a little creative writing between us, and the idea we came up with was to pick a topic and then take a “He Said / She Said” type of approach to the topic. The only rules, or guidelines, are that we cannot read the other person’s post before we upload our own, and that we limit our posts to 250 words or less. We are experimenting with the idea and format, so we wanted a simple topic just to kick things off. Since her birthday is in November and mine is in July, we decided our first topic would be “Why it is better to have a (Fall/Summer) Birthday.” Ali posted her entry on Friday, and I will add mine today. I promise I have not read Ali’s entry yet, and have only copied the URL for linking purposes.
Feel free to share your ideas for a topic you’d like to see us debate in this space. We plan on getting a little more philosophical and provocative than “Best time to have a Birthday.” We are also debating whether or not to adapt Twitter’s 140 character limit by limiting ourselves to 140 words instead of 240. If so, would this format be called Twlogging? Twentries?